Three Ways to Make Your Copy Stand Out From Your Competitors, Using AI
Free ChatGPT Training
Let's face it...ChatGPT has changed the game for business owners. So, now YOU TOO can write copy that converts into those big-ass $$$s, right?
Ermm...noooot exactly.
If you don't know how to prompt the AI...ain't no copy writing itself.
Lucky for you this class teaches you how to use, reeeaaallly use it. And stay out from the crowd. (Like waaaaaay out.)
Here's what you can expect:
In 1.5 hours via LIVE Zoom (yup, no recording here, lady) you'll learn three proven methods to leveraging ChatGPT so that is actually works for you. My mission is to help ambitious women entrepreneurs craft copy that actually converts, using AI.
Proven Prompting Techniques: In this session, we don't guess at how to prompt the AI. We use proven methods and techniques that copy MASTERS swear by. Use AI and be confident that what your input maximises the output.
Harness the HUMAN: Whether it's ChatGPT or any other AI, you want the copy to sound human. That's the foundation of sales. This class will provide the groundwork for you to ensure that your AI-driven copy is brimming with personality, and your unique voice.
Robust Q&A Session: Have your specific questions answered and dive deeper into the world of AI - empower yourself to craft copy that makes $$$s for your business and saves your time.
Get ready to treat AI like you're its boss and make it work for you!